Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Seduce me in the language of your father and I will plant it's seed in the fertile soil of my life
Seranade me in the tounge of your mother and I will water it with the tears of my love

Baptize me in the wisdom of your culture and I will worship every day, in its grace
Spill your inhibitions into my space and I will drown them, evaporating them away

Seduce me in the language of your father
Seranade me in the tounge of your mother

Teach me to walk the path of your ancestors and I will etch your footprints on the road of destany
Give me wings and I will take flight over the land of your home

Light the darkend corridores of my soul and its fire will kindle and burn brighter than the stars that guides you
Sing for me your song and I will dance the dance of the ages

Seduce me in the language of your father
Seranade me in the tounge of your mother

Let me harness the wind and I will speak to you through the trees
Quench me in the rains of Spring and I will submit to the anointing of your Sprit

Instruct me as to sew your fruit and in our harvest there will be no famine
embrace me and I will linger in your midst

Seduce me in the language of your father
Seranade me in the tounge of your mother

Seduce me in the language of your father
Seranade me in the tounge of your mother

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