Sunday, July 13, 2008


Friendship is not something you pick up when it is new and keep around as long as it is easy !!!

Friendship is: Raw and uninhibited. Earthy and based in reality.

When all else fails your friends keep you safe....Safe from yourself and even from them, at times.

In the darkest of hours they love you back to yourself. They love you in spite of yourself...

More precious than gold, more trustworthy than family.

They wrap you in a blanket of balance when the world is driving you to the brink of insanity.

They can manage to drive you crazy, just when you believe yourself sane.

Thank you for my laughter when the jokes of the world are not really funny and tend to hurt...

Thank you for absorbing the tears, when the oceans I have cried seem to be without shores.

Thank you for allowing me to "Just BE'" without expectation, judgement or condemnation.

Thank you for the clarity in the midst of life's fog. You are Safe Harbor....

1 comment:

Rooble Mohamed said...

A friend should be a friend. He/she should be your friend regarless of the situation, time, location and identity. They should be there for you when you need them and you should be there for them when they need you. Good times and bad times should be shared. Cry with them when they have to and laugh with them when they feel like.

Some friends are those who share with you all the times. I have the best friends ever that we shared many good and bad times. You feel comfortable when they are around, you like them when they call you and you enjoy when they send you an email and you miss them when they are away. They are like a diamond in a million stones which means they are precious and rare at the same time. You can’t hid anything from them even if you try so, you are sure that your secrets are save with them.

Some people are here to ruin that kind of relationship. Some people look like friends but they are worse than the enemies. They are dangerious but you don’t feel them, they are thieves but you don’t notice them and they are vampires but you don’t recognize them. They call you when they need your help, they come to you when they are in danger, they talk to you when they want to ask you something, they get in touch with you when they are in a bad situation and they want your advice.

When you need them ? , hell no, you can never reach them, you never get them on phone and you can never see them. They promise but they break, they make an appointment but they never show up and worse of it they escape and hide from you. They have the worst cry when they are in need and they ignore you when you need their hand.

They live on your expenses and they don’t care how much you suffer. They want to eat your food while they keep theirs, they want to use your car while they park theirs, they want to use your phone while they put theirs in their pockets and they want to use your talent where you don’t even notice. In total they are SELFISH.